Project: WP 4 - Ship system integration and validation
Author(s): Endre Sandvik, Ole J.J. Lønnum, Bjørn Egil Asbjørnslett ​
Journal/conference: Applied Ocean Research
Date: 14.11.2018
Endre Sandvik
Research Scientist, WP1,WP4 Phone: Email:

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Stochastic bivariate time series models of waves in the North Sea and their application in simulation-based design

Article by Sandvik et al. in Ocean Applied Research


In this paper, we present and evaluate three long-term wave models for application in simulation-based design of ships and marine structures. Designers and researchers often rely on historical weather data as a source for ocean area characteristics based on hindcast datasets or in-situ measurements. The limited access and size of historical datasets reduces repeatability of simulations and analyses, making it difficult to assess the sampling variability of performance and loads on marine vessels and structures. Markov, VAR and VARMA wave models, producing
independent long-term time series of significant wave height (Hs) and spectral peak period (Tp), is presented as possible solutions to this problem. The models are tested and compared by addressing how the models affect interpretation of design concepts and the ability to replicate statistical and physical characteristics of the wave process. Our results show that the VAR and VARMA models perform sufficiently in describing design performance, but does not capture the physical process fully. The Markov model is found to perform worst of the tested models in the applied tests, especially for measures covering several consecutive sea states.


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