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Scientific Adv. Committee meeting - 2017-09-19

The second meeting with Smart Maritime Scientific Advisory Committee members Prof Harilaos Psaraftis (DTU – Technical University of Denmark), Prof Osman Turan (Strathclyde University) and Prof Karin Andersson and Prof Rickard Benzow (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg) was held in SINTEF Ocean, Trondheim on September 19th.

The role of the Scientific Advisory Committee is to monitor the scientific progress in the Centre and advice the Centre management group on scientific focus and priorities. The audit meeting was chaired by Prof Harilaos Psaraftis. We also had the chance to welcome Smart Maritime's chariman of the board Jan Øivind Svardal, who related to the Committee his perspective on collaboration between indsutry and research at Smart Maritime.  

The purpose of this meeting was to present and discuss the ongoing research activities and future research plans, in order to collect feedback and advice from the Committee. A report from this audit meeting will be delivered to the Centre Management.


Lunch at Tyholt tårnet