Published -

April 2017

Here are some updates from ongoing research and management activities. The Smart Maritime team wishes you a Happy Easter break!

Annual Report 2016

The Smart Maritime annual report 2016 has been delivered to the Norwegian Research Council and is available in PDF format online: Annual Report 2016

Follow-up of Network meeting Ålesund

You will find summary and pictures, as well as presentationson Smart Maritime Website. 

We are still collecting input and feedback on the industry partner survey send earlier in March. Meanwhile, we can inform about the following work-in-progress:

SP7 – Simulation-based Conceptual Design

Additional input from project participants are being integrated by the project team. An update project plan and status information will be communicated after Easter.

New research topics

All suggestions for new research topics (from partner survey and from Network meetings) are being tracked. These will be handled either through ongoing research activity (WP,SP), smaller workshops, new associated projects, or MSc thesis. We will soon distribute a follow-up list.


A procedure for webinars is under establishment. Webinars sessions will be proposed for keeping a dialog between research and industry partners, inform on ongoing work, discuss particular scientific topics. We will come back in early May with more information and initial schedule.

MSc students projects and MSc theses

A list of proposals for MSc projects is under development. It will be communicated to NTNU students on May 1st, and made available for consultation by Smart Maritime partners, together with information on the process. These are based on research plans and all input collected so far. The floor is still open for suggestions of MSc thesis topics by Smart Maritime partners. Please contact us if you have suggestions, questions, as well as if you might consider MSc student summer internship linked to Smart Maritime.

Associated projects

To keep updated about ongoing and upcoming other research initiatives relevant for the Smart Maritime Consortium, as well new opportunities (RCN- or EU- funded research projects), a task force for associated projects will be established. Its goal will be to centralise information and coordinate discussion, information sharing and new initiatives.

Upcoming events – where to meet us?

Ocean Week, 3-5. May, Trondheim

What do we have to gain by introducing the unmanned to the vision of blue growth?

Smart Maritime research team will be represented on-site at the conference. SFI partners are welcome to inform us of their intention to participate, so we may arrange individual/informal meetings if desired. More information, program and registration:

Invitation to SFI Forum by Norwegian Research Council, 27 April, Oslo

The SFI Forum is a meeting place between SFI's management and the Norwegian Research Council. Centre director Per Magne Einang and adm. coordinator Agathe Rialland will be present. The SFI's research and industry partners also are welcome to participate. If you are interested, please find more information on our website:


Eilif Pedersen, leader of WP3 Power systems and fuel, is taking a one-year sabbatical leave. Sergey Ushakov is taking over the management of WP3.

Publications and news

State-of-the-art technologies, measures, and potential for reducing GHG emissions from shipping – A review.

A review article of GHG reduction measures and their potential in shipping, by E. A. Bouman, E. Lindstad, A. Rialland and A. H. Strømman, is now available online. It presents the results of a review of around 150 studies, to provide a comprehensive overview of the CO2 emissions reduction potentials and measures published in literature.

Prediction of Added Resistance in Waves

A state-of-the-art study of methods for prediction of the added resistance of ships in a seaway was carried out by R. Skejic and S.A. Alterskjaer and F. Sprenger. The report lays the foundation for development of an improved practical and fast calculation method for added resistance due to waves, under development by R. Skejic in his post doctoral research project. Report available online

Setting A Course Towards A Cleaner Future, article by Clarksons research, 31 March 2017

Clarksons Research's Graph of the Week shows a clear increase in the share total newbuildings with electrically-driven propulsion and LNG-fuelled vessel the past few years. Read the article here



Best regards,

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Host: SINTEF Ocean,  Otto Nielsens veg 10, 7052 Trondheim  • PO.Box 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim

