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New PhD and Postdoc join the NTNU team

Smart Maritime team at NTNU welcomes 3 new team members!


PostDoc Drazen Polic


  • 34 years old, from Croatia, lives in Norway, previously PhD candidate at NTNU
  • Education: MSc from Rijeka, Mechanical Engineering; and PhD from NTNU, marine machinery
  • Postdoc will focus on low emission propulsion systems.


Joining the WP2 team in November 2020, Drazen will study the feasibility of wind propulsion, looking at the impact on the propeller and engine (power plant) performance.

Study goal: 

- Investigate performance of various wind propulsion systems
- Assess the impact of the wind propulsion system on the propeller and engine performance


- Develop a medium-fidelity wind propulsion system model
- Adopt/Include added (sway and yaw) hydrodynamic ship resistance
- Evaluate a coupled wind and propeller propulsion system

Drazen's profile: LinkedInGoogle Scholar



PhD Candidate Yuan Tian 

  • 32 years old, from China, prevously working at Fosen Yards, Hurtigruten LNG
  • Education: MSc from NTNU, marine machinery; and MSc from Huazhong University
  • PhD project will focus on marine power systems


Joining the WP3 team in December 2020, Yuan will work on Optimization of emission reduction system.


Supervisor: Prof Eilif Pedersen, Professor and Head of Master Programs in Marine Technology, NTNU Department of Marine Technology


Yuan's profile: LinkedIn 


PhD Candidate Marius Ulla Hatlehol

  • 29 years old, from Brattvåg, previously working at VARD Elektro, system integration
  • Education: electrician, MSc from NTNU Department of Electric Power Engineering
  • PhD project will focus on mathematical modelling, analysis and control of electrical and mechanical systems, as well as modularisation of hybrid propulsion.


Marius's profile: LinkedInResearchGate