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Scientific Adv. Committee first meeting - 2017-01-25

The first meeting with Smart Maritime Scientific Advisory Committee members Prof Harilaos Psaraftis (DTU – Technical University of Denmark), Prof Friedrich Wirz (TU Hamburg) and Prof Osman Turan (Strathclyde University) was held in SINTEF Ocean, Trondheim on February 25th.

 The role of the Scientific Advisory Committee is to monitor the scientific progress in the Centre and advice the Centre management group on scientific focus and priorities.

The purpose of this first meeting was to present and discuss the research activity, results achieved so far, the SFI strategy and future plans, and collect feedback and advice from the committee. The Committee members present at the meeting appreciated the information received and overview of Smart Maritime, acknowledged the research effort and focus of the SFI Smart Maritime on highly relevant issues for the maritime sector. The Committee members, as much as the Smart Maritime research team, are looking forward to the next meeting, later in 2017, where the attention will be on assessing the progress of SFI's research and innovation activity.

The full presentation and meeting agenda can be consulted here.