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SFI site visit November 3

We were pleased to welcome the Norwegian Research Council to the first SFI site vist.

The Research Council was represented by


 Kai Mjøsund, avdelingsdirektør
 Sigurd Falch, spesialrådgiver
 Liv Jorunn Jenssen, spesialrådgiver


and the SFI was, in additon to the centre team, represented by


Jan Øivind Svardal, Grieg Star AS as Chairman of the Board,
Gunnar Gamlem, Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA, Coordinator Technical Advisory Committee
Henning Borgen, Vard Design AS, Board member


The representatives from the Research Council were especially interested in talking to the Industry partners about their involvement in the SFI

Link to article on the MARINTEK home page




Per Magne Einang, Liv Jorunn Jenssen og Kai Mjøsund, Forskningsrådet, Gunnar Gamlem, Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA; Coordinator Technical Advisory Committee and Beate Kvamstad-Lervold - Vice President MARINTEK - and Board member, Smart Maritime.

Kai Mjøsund, avdelingsdirektør Forskningsrådet and Gunnar Gamlem, Coordinator Technical Advisory Committee

 Beate Kvamstad-Lervold,  Kai Mjøsund, Henning Borgen, Liv Jorunn Jenssen, Agathe Rialland, Sigurd Falch, Gunnar Gamlem and Sverre Anders Alterskjær