[Please note that from January 1st, Smart Maritime's host institution became SINTEF Ocean, as a result of a merger between MARINTEK, SINTEF Fishery & Aquaculture, and the Department of Environmental Technology at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry. Read about SINTEF Ocean here]
Dear partners of SFI Smart Maritime,
Our next Network meeting (March 15-16) is approaching and we will collaborate with NTNU Ålesund and Rolls-Royce Marine to ensure fruitful and engaging workshops. You will soon receive a notice of meeting and updated practical information.
Smart Maritime – where do we stand?
In January the SFI research team has been busy finalising 2016-deliverables and reporting to NFR, setting up the 2017 activity calendar and preparing for the Scientific Advisory Committee meeting.
An updated presentation of Smart Maritime is available on the website.
Scientific Advisory Committee
A meeting with the Scientific Advisory Committee took place on January 25th. We presented the main achievements so far, publications, and further plans to the committee members present. More information and meeting material can be accessed here.
Cooperation with industry partners
The management team is working on concretizing project plans and involvement of our industry partners in 2017-activities. We will soon contact the primary contact persons from each partner to establish an overview on involvement in the SFI's ongoing activity, envisioned involvement throughout 2017 and other expectations. This information gathering will be followed by individual meetings later on.
Network meeting
The Network meeting will take place in Ålesund on March 15-16, at NMK Norwegian Maritime Competence Center. It will combine a presentation of long-term research activity (PhD programs) and group works on ongoing Smart Maritime research topics. We will also invite SFI MOVE for a presentation, and keep time in the agenda to visit our Smart Maritime partners located in Ålesund. More information coming soon.
New team members
Henning Borg has recently left Vard Design and started as CEO for SINTEF Ålesund. We are grateful for his valuable contribution to Smart Maritime these past years and wish him good luck at SINTEF Ålesund. At the same time, we welcome Tim Mak in the Smart Maritime team, as technical contact for Vard Design. The successor of Henning Borg in the Board is not yet appointed.
Please email us at smartmaritime@sintef.no or Agathe.Rialland@sintef.no if you need to add colleagues to our contact information and mailing list, as well as for any practical question.
Upcoming events - where to meet us?
| | | |
Board meeting | March 15 | Ålesund | |
Network meeting | March 15-16 | Ålesund | link |
Ocean Week | May 3-5 | Trondheim | Link |
Nor-Shipping | May 30 – Jun 2 | Lillestrøm | Link |
OMAE | Jun 25-30 | Trondheim | link |