Welcome to Smart Maritime network meeting in Bergen !
Network Meeting BERGEN 4-5 April
Presentation from WEBINAR on Safe Return to Port & minimum required power in waves, 22 March
Presentations and documentation from the webinar are now available for download (login required). Thank you to all participants!
Presentation from WEBINAR on Hybrid Propulsion 13 March
Presentation and publications from Torstein Bø are now available for download (login required). Thank you to all participants!
Website and documentation
www.smartmaritime.no is under upgrade. New section providing easier access to Smart Maritime documentation and related publications will be available soon.
The yearly SFI Forum will take on April 17-18th in Lysaker, hosted by the Norwegian Research Council. From Smart Maritime P.M. Einang and A. Rialland will participate. Please inform us if you have questions or points to be raised, or if you want to participate. The main focus this year will be on the mid-way evaluation of SFI-III (SFI Smart Maritime directly concerned), and the external audit of the SFI funding scheme by Damvad Anaytics Evaluation of the Scheme for Research-based Innovation (SFI)
Ocean Week
Smart Maritime will be present at the annual Ocean Week conference on May 7-9th 2018 in Trondheim. More information about the conference.
General Data Protection Regulation
Due to the new EU general data protection regulations GDPR coming into force in May, SFI Smart Maritime must obtain consent from all e-mail recipients. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST so we can continue to send you updates.