Eshan Esmailian

PhD student WP2 (2019–2022)

Supervisor: Prof. Sverre Steen (NTNU)

Co-supervisor: Prof. Kourosh Koushan(SINTEF Ocean), Prof. Stein Ove Erikstad (NTNU)


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Design for operation in real sea states

Research topic

Ship design optimized for operation in real sea states.

Optimization of ship designs has been a focus of research and development for a long time, but mostly optimum performance in calm water has been the issue. However, ships should be designed for operation in real sea states, meaning that performance in representative conditions with respect to time-varying components such as wind, waves and current, as well as loading conditions and transit speed should be taken into account. Moreover, there are typically uncertainties needed to be considered in the design phase. To make a design optimization method involves many aspects; proper design approaches for the optimization and tools to enhance the accseauracy of design methods must be selected (or developed). Finding reliable and practical methods to ensure optimal energy efficiency of ships in real sea states that are both sufficiently accurate and robust and at the same time sufficiently computationally effective is expected to be a major task. Another research question concerns developing frameworks to be able to evaluate the performance of the suggested approaches for different case studies.

Research objective: More practical, accurate and efficient methods for ship design and optimization in real seaways.

Industrial goals
  • Improve the design methods for ships operating in real seastates and harsh sea conditions.
  • Ensure high performance of designed ships in various scenarios such as routs, loading, and varying weather conditions etc.
  • Improve the energy efficiency of ships
  • Enhance Gymir capabilities
  • Proposed solutions can be also useful for the following applications:
    • Modern ship design
    • Passengercomforts
    • Offshore operations
    • Autonomous ships


Achievements 2022:

Power prediction analysis
- A new method for added resistance in waves  
- A new power prediction method  
Design optimization for real sea states (wave, wind, …)
- A new method for optimal design of ships   
- Ship design under uncertainty