Project: WP3 Power systems and Fuels
Author(s): Krivopolianskii, Vladimir; Valberg, Ingebrigt; Stenersen, Dag; Ushakov, Sergey; Æsøy, Vilmar
Journal/conference: Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Date: 19.05.2018
Ingebrigt Valberg
Senior Engineer Phone:+47 9320 5532 Email:
Dag Stenersen
Senior Research Scientist Phone:+47 905 03 459 Email:
Vilmar Æsøy
Professor, NTNU Ålesund, Maritime Technology Phone:+47 70161212 Email:

Control of the combustion process and emission formation in marine gas engines

Article by Krivopolianski et al. in Journal of Marine Science and Technology

A smooth transition to the use of gas engines instead of conventional engines in marine shipping is a logical pathway for compliance with tightening environmental regulations. Currently, five major gas engine concepts are applied in maritime sector. In this paper, a review of the marine gas engine concepts was performed with a focus on the control of combustion and emission. To assess all the contributors to combustion and the emission formation process, three main factors were outlined: design, operational parameters and fuel. The assessment of gas engines was conducted based on these factors. The present paper helps to provide an understanding of the current progress in the development of marine gas engines towards improving of combustion efficiency and reducing the emissions. Moreover, the knowledge gaps, particularly in four-stroke marine high-pressure gas engines, were identified.
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